
Duty to inform according to § 5 para. 1 E-Commerce Act
“Huth Gastwirtschaft”, and “Huth Ristorante da Moritz” are businesses of “Huth Gastronomie GmbH”.

Schellinggasse 5/3,
1010 Vienna
UID: ATU 60511645
FN: 146265x

“Mama & der Bulle” and “Mama Kraft – Huth Basement Brewery” are businesses of “Mama & der Bulle Steak Restaurant GmbH”.

Schellinggasse 5/3,
1010 Vienna
UID: ATU 73238409
FN: 488572p

“Mama Leone” ist a business of “GRH Gastronomie GmbH”.

Schellinggasse 5/3,
1010 Wien
UID: ATU 80220039
FN: 617346m

Court of jurisdiction: Commercial Court Vienna

Intellectual Property
All trademarks, logos and service marks visible on this site, content, layout, any sound and video sequences are protected by copyright. All rights thereto are reserved to the copyright holder. Changes may not be made and it is prohibited to use, download, copy or distribute them in any way.

All texts on the website have been carefully checked. The content provided here is for general information purposes only. It is not excluded that data and information on this homepage are not or incorrectly displayed. For the correctness, topicality, completeness and availability of the offered information/data no guarantee/liability is taken over. In particular, no legal claims arising from the use of the retrieved information and data can be substantiated.

References and links to other Internet offers have been carefully selected. Their content, correctness, topicality, completeness and availability are not within the sphere of influence of the website operator and no guarantee/liability is assumed for this.

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Claims for damages due to direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the www documents cannot be asserted against the person responsible for the www or the author.

If the document refers to commercial websites by hyperlinks, this does not represent a recommendation. These links are only intended to show an (incomplete) selection of possibilities. Therefore, websites that are not included have no claim to be included in the document. No liability is assumed for information reached via external cross-references (hyperlinks).

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We undertake to protect the privacy of all persons who use our site and to treat the personal data provided to us by customers, partners and interested parties as confidential.

In principle, you can visit and browse our site at any time without providing any personal information.

Personal information that you provide to us by registering on our site will not be sold or given to third parties, but is intended solely for internal company use.

Final provisions
Austrian law applies exclusively to the use of the information/services.

If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact.

In place of an invalid provision or to fill a gap, an appropriate, legally permissible provision shall be applied that comes as close as possible to what would have been intended according to the meaning and purpose of these Terms of Use if the partial invalidity or gap had been known.

Copyright and disclaimer, unless otherwise stated
“Huth Gastronomie GmbH” and/or “Mama & der Bulle Steak Restaurant GmbH” and /or “GRH Gastronomie GmbH”. All rights reserved.